Accessed - 627 times.

Abdullah1*, Saxena VK1, Manjeet Sinha1, Abdul Latif2
1Indian Medicines Pharmaceutical Corporation Ltd., A Government of India Enterprise, Mohan, Distt. Almora, Uttarakhand, India.
2Department of Ilmul Advia, Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh, UP, India.

Volume 3, Issue 1, Page 42-45, January-April 2015.

Article history
Received: 15 January 2015
Revised: 08 February 2015
Accepted: 15 February 2015
Early view: 20 March 2015

*Author for correspondence
E-mail: [email protected]


In Unani System of Medicine the drugs derived from natural sources are used, the majority of them are plant origin 85 %, animal origin 10% and mineral origin 5% but like any other system of medicine the efficacy of Unani System of Medicine also depends on potential and purity of the drugs used. To develop a mechanism for quality assurance of natural compound to ensure the purity of crude drugs material and its standardization is essential. Standardization and quality control are the key factors in regulating the therapeutic efficacy of Unani Herbal drugs. Organoleptic parameters are often insufficient in the quality assessment of Unani Herbal Drugs. The present study deal with compound Unani formulation of ‘Majoon Piyaz’ is compound formulation of NFUM Part I. It is a semi solid, dark brown colored compound formulation with sweet tending bitter in taste therapeutically used in Zof-e-Bah (Sexual debility), Jiryan (Spermatorrhoea) and Surat-e-Inzal (Premature ejaculation). Majoon-e-Piyaz is a natural product and is absolutely safe as it does not produce any side effects. In standardization of drug, the drug investigated through different chemical method, their active principals are being worked out, their percentage composition are as follow Total ash 1.38%, Acid-insoluble ash 0.58%, Water-soluble ash 0.52%, Alcohol Soluble Extractive 12.60%, Water Soluble Extractive 70.16%, pH values of 1% aqueous solution 4.77 and 10% aqueous solution 4.58, Loss on drying at 105oC 17.06%. The Aflatoxin is estimated and reported that are not detected. In additin Heavy Metals, Microbial Load were done which are with in limit. This study will help in setting down Pharmacopoeial standards in determining the quality and purity of compound drug.

Keywords: Majoon Piyaz, Standardization, quality control, Unani Formulation.

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