Muhammad Uwais Ashraf1, Mohd. Aslam1, Asif Hasan1, Juwairia Ashraf2
1Department of Medicine, JN Medical College, AMU, Aligarh-202002, UP, India.
2Department of Moalajat, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh-202002, UP, India.
Volume 2, Issue 3, Page 178-188, September-December 2014.
Article history
Received: 1 August 2014
Revised: 20 August 2014
Accepted: 28 August 2014
Early view: 29 August 2014
*Author for correspondence
Mobile/Tel: +91 9760159391
Ranolazine is a relatively new drug having effects on cardiac metabolic pathways and it is known to improve cardiac functions by favourably inhibiting fatty acid oxidation. Ranolazine inhibits free fatty acid oxidation and improves glucose metabolism in the heart. The mechanism of action is not fully known. It is thought that this drug acts via selective inhibition of the late inward sodium current (INa) in cardiac muscle cells. A unique feature of ranolazine is that it does not have any effects on hemodynamic parameters.
Ranolazine is a relatively new drug having effects on cardiac metabolic pathways and it is known to improve cardiac functions by favourably inhibiting fatty acid oxidation. Ranolazine inhibits free fatty acid oxidation and improves glucose metabolism in the heart. The mechanism of action is not fully known. It is thought that this drug acts via selective inhibition of the late inward sodium current (INa) in cardiac muscle cells. A unique feature of ranolazine is that it does not have any effects on hemodynamic parameters.
Keywords: Socio-economic status, Dermatophytosis, Tinea.