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The entire Qur’an is believed to be the direct word of Allah according to Muslims, revealed to the Prophet Mohammad through the Angel Gabriel over a span of 23 years (610–632 AD) (Loukas et al., 2010).
Quran has been revealed for enlightenment of man’s soul, purify his morals, condemn all wrongs, order goods and call for the establishments of justice and fraternity through obeying Allah as the supreme authority (Farooqui, 1989). Additionally, Quran also focuses on the research and development. There are more than 750 verses in Holy Quran which greatly emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge. In one places it has been mentioned that “Travel in the land and see how He originated creation (29:20)”. In another places the progression of the knowledge has been encouraged “My Lord! Increase me in knowledge (20:114)”. These verses guided us to think about the innovative ideas to acquire the knowledge that can be helpful for solving the problems of humanity in every aspects of life including medical and bio allied sciences.

Islamic medicine started from Hazrat Adam (A.S.) and was completed at Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) but search and compiling of these medicines is still continued throughout the world (Wani, 2011). Prophet teaching promotes to develop the solution for incurable disease as it is mention in the authentic books. In Sahih Muslim reported saying of Allah’s Messenger (May peace be upon him): “There is a remedy for every malady, and when the remedy is applied to the disease it is cured with the permission of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious” (Sahih Muslim: Book #026, Hadith #5466; Muslim, 1971). In another book it was reported, “There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment” (Sahih Bukhari: Book #71, Hadith #582; Khan, 1986). These teachings motivate the scientific community of medical sciences to search for medicines of all incurable diseases.
In Islam diseases are cured in two ways, first the cure of soul through prayers and second the cure of ailments through medicines (Kahrizi, 2012). Plants have always been used for cure of diseases. Al-Quran is one of the best reference book describing the importance of plants in different Surahs as in Al-Momeenoon, Al-Rehman, Al-Bakra and Al-Inaam. In Quran, many edible and non-edible plants has been mentioned. It can be categorised into Fruits (Date, Banana, Olive, Fig, Pomegranate and Grape), vegetables and spices (Garlic, Ginger, Onion, Mustard, Cucumber, Gourd and Lentil), and trees (Buckthorn, Salvadora, Henna, Tamarix, Acacia and Sweet Basil).
There is a need to explore medicinal benefits all plants mentioned in Holy Qur’an through proper scientific validation. This work has been already started by few scientists (Ahmad, 2009), but these are only preliminary investigations. There is a need of exhaustive studies on each plant mentioned in the Holy Qur’an by applying latest scientific facilities.
I wish that this emerging journal “International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy Medicine and Bioallied Sciences” will provide a strong platform to publish the findings on these plants.

Ahmad M, Khan MA, Marwat SK. Useful medicinal flora enlisted in Holy Qur’an and Ahadith. Am Eurasian J Agric Environ Sci. 5, 126-140, 2009.
Farooqui MIH. Plants of the Qur’an. Sidrah Publishers, Lucknow, 1989.
Kahrizi D, Molsaghi M, Faramarzi A. Medicinal plants in Holy Qur’an. Am J Sci Res. 42, 62-71, 2012.
Khan MM. Sahih Bukhari: Peace Vision, 1986.
Loukas M, Saad Y, Tubbs RS, Shoja MM. The heart and cardiovascular system in the Qur’an and Hadeeth. Int J Cardiol.140, 19-23, 2010.
Muslim I. Sahih Muslim, 1971.
Wani BA, Wani FM, Khan A, Bodha RH, Mohiddin FA, Hamid A. Some herbs mentioned in the Holy Qur’an & Ahadith and their medicinal importance in contemporary times. J Pharm Res. 4, 3888-3891, 2011.

Md Tanwir Athar

Medical Research Scientist,
Research Centre,
Prince Sultan Military Medical City,
Riyadh, KSA.

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