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Shafeeque Ahmed1*, Shama2, Gani MA3, Najam Sultana4, Khamrunissa Shaikh5
1Department of Saidla–wo- Murakbath, Tipu Sultan Unani Medical College & Hosptal, Gulbaga, Karnataka, India.
2Government AYUSH Hospital, Manvi, Dist Raichur, India.
3Department of Ilmul Amraz, Tipu Sultan Unani Medical College & Hosptal, Gulbaga, Karnataka, India.
4Department of Moalijat, Tipu Sultan Unani Medical College & Hosptal, Gulbaga, Karnataka, India.
5Ibn Sina National College for Medical Studies, Jeddah, KSA.

Volume 3, Issue 2, Page 80-83, May-August 2015.

Article history
Received: 10 July 2015
Revised: 3 August 2015
Accepted: 5 August 2015
Early view: 11 August 2015

*Author for correspondence


Background: Hyperlipidemia is a major health problem in today’s era. In Unani System of medicine many drugs are available both single as well as compound formulations. Sharbat–e-Qalbi, a compound formulation, is a reliable Unani medicine by legendary Unani physician Hkm. Mohammed Adam Ali Khardi in Gulbarga District (for more than 40 years). According to him, this medicine is very beneficial for Amraz-e-Qalb (Heart diseases), Ziqutud dum Qawi (Hypertension), Saman-e-Mufrat (Obesity) etc.
Material and methods: It is a clinical study on Azdiyad-e-Shahmiya (Hyperlipidemia), a single blind study on 30 patients. The main objective was to evaluate and observe the effect of Shar-bat-e-Qalbi in the management of Azdiyad-e-Shahmiya (Hyperlipidemia).
Results: This medicine was found to be highly significant in lowering the level of cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoproteins and in increasing the level of high density lipoproteins in cases of primary hyperlipidemia.
Conclusion: This compound formulation is very useful in maintaining lipid profile in optimum range.
Keywords: Unani Medicine, Azdiyad-e-Shahmiya (Hyperlipidemia), Sharbat-e-Qalbi.