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Shugufta Nisa1*, Shafia Mushtaq Allaqband2, Mohammad Iqbal3, Shahnaz H. Kawoosa4, Ralima Farooq5, Nighat Ara6.
1Department of Physiology, Kashmir Tibbia College, Shilvath Sumbal, Jammu and Kashmir, INDIA.
2Department of Medicine, Kashmir Tibbia College, Shilvath Sumbal, Jammu and Kashmir, INDIA.
3Kashmir Tibbia College, Shilvath Sumbal, Jammu and Kashmir, INDIA.
4Illaj bit Tadbeer, Kashmir Tibbia College, Shilvath Sumbal, Jammu and Kashmir, INDIA.
5Department of Peadiatrics, Kashmir Tibbia College, Shilvath Sumbal, Jammu and Kashmir, INDIA.
6RRIUM, Srinagar, Jammu And Kashmir, INDIA.

Volume 2017, Issue 2017, Article ID 133, Page 01-05.

*Author for correspondence
E-mail: [email protected]

Geriatrics is s field of science that entitles the specialty in which health care of elderly people is the main issue of concern. Its main aim is to promote health in old age by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities. In Greeko-arabic system of medicine old age is called Shakhukhat. When the age of the person exceeds the age of 60 years it is to consider as age of Shakhukhat. Elderly people are susceptible to both communicable as well as non communicable diseases. India’s current older population is of 60 million. According to classical Unani literature, ageing is the result of two opposing process a) Tahleel-e-ratoobat (dissolution of fluids) b) Inadequate compensation of tahleel by Quwat-e-hazima (power of digestion) which maintains balance a homeostasis. This imbalance cause disease with age, weakens the Quwa and slows down the af”aal (functions) of the body. Most chronic diseases are frequent among the old people such as arthritis, heart disease, respiratory disease, alzheirmer’s disease, diabetes, etc. The holistic approach of Unani medicine is well placed to cover the two main pillars of lifestyle disease mainly prevention and treatment. Management for old age ailments can be successfully attained by Ilaj bil tadbeer wa ghiza and Ilaj bil dawa. Moderate body massage along with the appropriate exercise (riyazat) is legitimate for adults. Unani physicians believe that different types of food should be given to mashaikh. Many important and Useful Mufridat (single drugs) and Murakabat (compound drugs) are used for delaying various ailments of ageing by Unani scholars.
Keywords: Geriatrics, Shakhukhat, Tahleel-e-ratoobat, Ilaj bil tadbeer, Quwat-e-hazima.

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