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Fasihuzzaman1*, Shafia Mushtaq1, Shabnum Ansari1
1Department of Moalijat, Faculty of Medicine (Unani), Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India.

Volume 2, Issue 3, Page 169-171, September-December 2014.

Article history
Received: 15 November 2014
Revised: 25 November 2014
Accepted: 15 December 2014
Early view: 25 December 2014

*Author for correspondence
E-mail: [email protected]


A Unani system of medicine is based on holistic approach in treating disease since thousands of years. The four modes of treatment in Unani medicine are Illaj bil ghiza (dietotherapy), Illaj bid dawa (pharmacotherapy), Illaj bit tadabeer (regimenal therapy) and Illaj bil yad (surgery). Illaj bit Tadbeer includes large no of regimental interventions such as Hijamah (cupping), Irsal alaq (leeching), Fasd (venesection), Dalak (massage), Nutool, Bukhoor etc. Fasd (Venesection) is one of the non drug regimenal interventions carried out on different veins as per the indication to eliminate out the putrid or morbid humours (Tanquia-e-Mawad). This art of healing was used before the period of Hippocrates. Hepatitis is a diseased condition characterized by inflammation or derailment of normal temperament of liver which can lead to increase in size of liver and other symptoms. In unani medicine hepatitis has been treated effectively by its holistic approach. According to dominating humour (Akhlat), great and eminent scholars such as Razi, Majoosi, Sheikh, Akbar Arzani, Ibn Hubal, Azam Khan have classified it as Damwi, Safravi, Balgami, Saudawi. According to Modern medicine it has been classified on the basis of causative agents such as viral, bacterial, protozoal etc. Hepatitis B is one such type of hepatitis caused by DNA virus .Here we report a study on patient with chronic hepatitis B being treated with combination of fasd and oral medication. The patient was weekly evaluated based on clinical and laboratory parameters.

Keywords: Illaj bil ghiza, Illaj bid dawa, Illaj bit tadabeer, Illaj bil yad, Hijamah, Venesection, Fasd, parameters.