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Mohammad Rafiuddin1, Syed Shabbir Hussain1, Syed Arifuddin Hashmi1, Shaikh Aythesaam Ahmed Qureshi1, Mohammad Avez Ali1, U. Ramchander Rao2, Javed Akhtar Ansari1.
1Department of Pharmacy Practice (PharmD), MESCO College of Pharmacy, Mustaidpura, Hyderabad, INDIA.
2Department of General Medicine, Osmania General Hospital (OGH), Afzal Gunj, Hyderabad, INDIA.

Volume 2017, Issue 2017, Article ID 126, Page 01-08.

*Author for correspondence

Background: The aim is to study the demographics and characterize types of poisoning at tertiary care hospital and evaluate the survival and mortality.
Subjects and Methods: An observational, prospective study was conducted at the tertiary teaching hospital at Hyderabad, T.S. Analysis were performed to test the association of demographic characteristics with the type of poison ingested and their outcome. A multivariable logistic regression model was used to assess the association between mortality and survival.
Results: Demographic information was obtained on 175 patients relating to acute poisoning. Maximum numbers of patients were in the age group of 20–29 years followed by age group below 20 years. 106 were male (60.57%) and 69 were female (39.5%). The high incidence in the case of males may be because males are more exposed to stress and strain due to financial difficulties, loss of job, discord at home and workplace, etc. Organophosphates were the most common type of poison consumed. Overall mortality in the present study was 16.5 percent. This finding is similar to the reported mortality rates in other previous studies.
Conclusion: It has been clear that there is no doubt in the increase in the incidence of the poisoning cases, of which suicidal poisoning has been recorded as the highest cause of acute poisoning in the rural areas. The need of the hour is to generate awareness among the public & counsel them on how to manage an encounter of poisoning incident. This study has highlighted the lacunae in the management of poisoning incidents and the need to establish a poison information center for the better management & prevention of poisoning cases.
Keywords: Organophosphates, gender, poisoning, mortality, age group.