Qutubuddin Khan*, M.A. Siddiqui, Faisel Manzoor.
Dept. of Amraze Jild wa Tazeeniyat (Skin & Cosmetology), National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore, K.A., India.
Volume 8, Issue 1, Page 1-4
*Author for correspondence
E-mail: drqutubkhan@gmail.com
Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) develops due to involvement of immunological pathway, being a type IV reaction to exogenous contact antigen. ACD manifest in acute form as erythema, oedema, papulo-vesiculation; in chronic form as itching, lichenified plaques. Plaques may associate with weeping, fissure and erosion. In Unani System of Medicine (USM) Nar-e-Farsi, resembling to features of eczema equivalent and include all variants. In USM various therapies like Moaddilate Dam (Blood purifier), Mohallil (Anti-inflammatory), immunomodulators are effectively used. Here we report a case study of 52 years old male admitted with itching, burning, oedema, oozing, fissuring and erythematous eruption over both legs for 1.5 months precipitated by application of prescribed ointment diagnosed as ACD, was treated with oral& topical Unani drugs.After50 days (35 days in IPD then 15 days in OPD basis)of treatment a significant improvement was observed and depicted here in photograph of the skin lesions.
Keywords:Allergic Contact Dermatitis, Sue Mizaj (temperamental derangements), Immunomodulators, Mohallil (Anti-inflammatory), Mundamil Qurooh (Wound healer).